
1 febbraio 2021

Release Blitz: "Don't kiss the bride" di Carian Cole

Don't Kiss the Bride
di Carian Cole
Pagine 484
Euro 4,11 (ebook)
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ARC ricevuta dall'autrice tramite Grey's Promotions, in cambio di un'onesta recensione

I guess you could say I was a damsel in distress, and he was my knight in shining armor.
But more accurately, I was a girl with a lot of bad luck, and he was a guy with a lot of muscles and tattoos.
Jude “Lucky” Lucketti wasn’t just a sexy, brooding construction worker. He was my own personal hero who seemed to be in all the right places at the right times. Like when my car broke down and I needed a ride home, and when I face planted on the sidewalk right in front of him and had to be taken to the emergency room.
Those weren’t exactly my best moments, but they were his.
We became friends, and it didn’t matter that he was sixteen years older than me. We had a lot in common—like our love of old rock music and vintage fast cars, and our aversion to relationships.
When he approached me with a crazy idea to help me out, I couldn’t say no.
The arrangement was supposed to be temporary. A marriage on paper and nothing else.
It should’ve been easy, but it wasn't.
Because here I am, eighteen years-old, still in high school, and married to a man I was never supposed to fall in love with.
We had just one rule—no kissing the bride.
But we broke that rule, and it sealed our fate forever.

 Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

Carian Cole has a passion for the bad boys, those covered in tattoos, sexy smirks, ripped jeans, fast cars, motorcycles, and of course, the sweet girls who try to tame them and win their hearts. Born and raised a Jersey girl, Carian now resides in beautiful New Hampshire with her husband and their multitude of furry pets. She spends most of her time writing, reading, and vacuuming.
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Sono felice di aver ceduto alla tentazione di propormi per la lettura in anteprima di Don’t kiss the bride. La cover così dolce e sensuale mi aveva attratto da subito, e benché sia una fan dei marriage of convenience, non avevo ancora letto nulla di Carian Cole. Poteva essere un disastro, invece mi sono completamente innamorata della sua scrittura e dei suoi personaggi!
Skylar è una diciottenne che dietro i sorrisi sbarazzini e i vestiti vintage nasconde un segreto che le chiude lo stomaco e la tiene lontana dalla altre ragazze della sua età.
Jude è trentaquattrenne con un solido lavoro, senza grilli per la testa ma con un passato difficile e una ferita nell’animo che non si è mai rimarginata.
Sono due personaggi complicati, umani, e nonostante le diversità sono più simili di quanto si possa pensare. Quando le circostanze li avvicinano, ecco che stringono un accordo che porterà vantaggi a entrambi. Un finto matrimonio, con poche semplice regole, tra cui quella di non baciare la sposa.

I wonder what it would feel like to be someone else's special person. To have them be mine.

DKTB è uno di quei romance immensi, pagine ricche di avvenimenti ed emozioni, tra alti e bassi di una relazione appassionante. Lo slow burn è uno di quelli che ti infiamma il cuore, calibrato magnificamente. Jude e Skylar mi hanno rubato il cuore! 
Skylar è così matura, così desiderosa di superare le sue paure, di scoprire il mondo oltre la piccola cittadina, oltre le mura di quella casa troppo ingombra per essere vivibile; mentre Jude è tutto ciò che cerco in un hero: dolce, protettivo, disponibile, sexy e rude mentre combatte il lato oscuro della sua anima ribelle.
Il loro rapporto nasce piano, un’amicizia sincera che si trasforma in qualcosa di più grazie alla vicinanza, al supporto continuo che si danno, grazie a quelle similitudini dell’animo che a poco a poco vengono allo scoperto.
Ho sentito una grande affinità con loro, con il loro desiderio di amare ed essere amati con sincerità. Entrambi hanno la sensibilità per lasciarsi andare, ma sono anche tanto realisti. Sanno che la differenza di età, per non parlare del giudizio della gente, è qualcosa che devono tenere in conto se vogliono costruirsi un futuro come persone e come coppia. Si tratta di un age gap che non mette grilli per la testa, ma nemmeno è così campato per aria. Non vi deluderà, se siete fan del trope.
Di sicuro non ha deluso me! DKTB si merita il premio come primo Best Book del 2021, e il merito di avermi fatto conoscere Carian Cole, di cui recupererò al più presto la serie Ashers & Embers, visto il cameo di una certa rockstar. Imperdibile!

ARC provided by the author in exchange of an honest review. 
I'm happy to have propose myself for reading Don’t kiss the bride. The cover so sweet and sensual attracted me, and although I'm a fan of arrenged marriage, I had not yet read anything by Carian Cole. It could have been a disaster, but I completely fell in love with her writing and her characters!
Skylar is an eighteen girl who hides a secret behind her cheeky smiles and vintage dresses, a secret that closes her stomach and keeps her away from other girls her age.
Jude is thirty-four with a solid job, a normal life but with a difficult past and a wound in his soul that has never healed.
They're two complicated characters, human, and despite the differences they're more similar than one might think. When circumstances bring them closer, they strike a deal that will benefit both of them. A fake wedding, with a few simple rules, including that of not kiss the bride.

I wonder what it would feel like to be someone else's special person. To have them be mine.

DKTB is one of those immense romances with pages full of events and emotions, between the ups and lows of an exciting relationship. Slow burn is one of those that sets your heart on fire, beautifully calibrated. Jude and Skylar stole my heart! Skylar is so mature, so eager to overcome her fears, to discover the world beyond the small town, beyond the walls of that house too cluttered to be livable; while Jude is everything I look for in a hero: a sweet, protective, helpful, sexy and rude man as he fights the dark side of his rebellious soul.
Their relationship is slowly, a sincere friendship that is transformed into something more thanks to the closeness, the continuous support they give each other, thanks to those similarities of the soul that gradually come to the fore.
I felt a great affinity with them, with their desire to love and be loved with sincerity. Both have the sensitivity to let go, but they are also a very realistic persona. They know that age difference is important, not to mention the people's judgment about it. It's something they need to take into account if they want to build a future as a person and as a couple. It's an age gap that does not put crickets for the head, but neither is it so far-fetched. It won't disappoint you if you are a fan of the trope.
It sure didn't disappoint me! DKTB deserves the award as the first Best Book of 2021, and the credit for introducing me to Carian Cole, whose Ashers & Embers series I will recover as soon as possible, given the cameo of a certain rock star. Unmissable!
Cinque stelle

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