
23 febbraio 2021

Release Blitz: "I thee take" di Natasha Knight (To Have and to Hold Duet #2)

I thee take
(To Have and to Hold Duet #2)
di Natasha Knight
Genere Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance
Pagine 268
Euro 5,99 (ebook); 13,51 (cartaceo)
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ARC ricevuta dall'autrice tramite Give Me Books Promotions, in cambio di un'onesta recensione

Cristiano is my enemy. He’s also the only man with whom I’ve ever felt safe. Protected.
But I have to remember that he married me with one purpose in mind. Revenge. I would be the bridge to his real enemies.
I can’t let myself forget that he isn’t the hero of this story. His hands are covered in blood. I saw that with my own eyes.

I thought I knew Scarlett’s past, but I didn’t know anything.
I thought I knew the worst of monsters, but I hadn’t seen anything yet.
Sometimes you have to lie to yourself to survive.
Sometimes it’s those closest to you who will bury their knives in your back.
Too many times it’s the innocents who pay for your mistakes. For your refusal to see.
I can’t let Scarlett pay for mine.
But I may be too late to stop it.

#1 With this ring (la mia recensione)
#2 I thee take

Natasha Knight is the USA Today Bestselling author of Romantic Suspense and Dark Romance Novels. She has sold over half a million books and is translated into six languages. She currently lives in The Netherlands with her husband and two daughters and when she’s not writing, she’s walking in the woods listening to a book, sitting in a corner reading or off exploring the world as often as she can get away.

Dopo il cliffhanger cattivo (in senso buono) di With this ring, non vedevo l’ora di leggere il seguito, e di scoprire che fine avessero fatto i miei beniamini. In queste pagine Scarlett e Cristiano attraversano l’inferno per salvarsi e ritrovarsi. Le poche certezze che avevano come punto di riferimento si sciolgono come castelli di sabbia sotto la forza delle onde. Preparatevi a rimane scioccati da ogni nuova rivelazione e a trattenere il fiato per l’emozione e lo shock, mentre i protagonisti sono costretti a cambiare strategia e mentalità per adattarsi alla girandola di plot twits che l’autrice ha disposto sul loro cammino.

How things change in a matter of hours. Minutes. Seconds. How life turns upside down and inside out, spitting out what’s left of us after it’s chewed up everything that matters.

Devo ammettere che ho apprezzato di più il primo volume rispetto a questo, puramente perché avrei preferito di un focus incentrato sulla relazione dei protagonisti, rispetto ad altre cose. 
Il mondo criminale è un aspetto fondamentale del duetto, a discapito forse della love story, e in I thee take ci addentriamo in quelle oscurità perverse e violente che non sono adatte a tutti i palati. A parte questo piccolo appunto, però, ho adorato l’evoluzione di Scarlett e di Cristiano, rimarranno una delle mie coppie preferite per molto tempo. Ho apprezzato soprattutto lo spazio riservato a Dante, l’unico altro superstite della famiglia Grigori oltre a Cristiano. Spero davvero con il cuore che l’autrice scriva anche la sua storia (e magari quella di una certa ragazza…).
La Knight comunque colpisce ancora, e di sicuro vi consiglio di leggerla, in generale, e nello specifico questo duetto se amate alla follia i matrimoni forzati in ambito mafia romance. Da leggere!

ARC provided by the author by Give Me Books Promotions in exchange of an honest review. 

After the evil cliffhanger of With this ring, I couldn't wait to read the sequel, and find out what happened to my beloved Scarlett and Cristiano. In these pages, they go through hell to save themselves and find themselves. The few certainties they had melts like sand castles under the force of the waves. Get ready to be shocked by each new revelation and to hold your breath with emotion and shock, while the protagonists are forced to change their strategy and mentality to adapt to the whirlwind of plot twits that the author has arranged in their path.

How things change in a matter of hours. Minutes. Seconds. How life turns upside down and inside out, spitting out what’s left of us after it’s chewed up everything that matters.
I have to admit that I enjoyed the first volume more than this one, purely because I would have preferred a focus centered on the relationship of the protagonists, over other things. The criminal world is a fundamental aspect of the duet, perhaps at the expense of the love story, and in I thee take we dive into that perverse and violent darkness that isn't suitable for all palates. Apart from this little note, however, I loved the evolution of Scarlett and Cristiano, they will remain one of my favorite couples for a long time. I especially appreciated the space reserved for Dante, the only other survivor of the Grigori family besides Cristiano. I really hope that the author'll also write his story (and maybe that of a certain girl ...). Natasha Knight still strikes, however, and for sure I recommend you read her, in general, and specifically this duet if you love arranged marriages mafia romance. To read!
Quattro stelle e mezzo

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