
30 settembre 2021

Release Blitz: "Stolen: Dante's Vow" di Natasha Knight

Stolen: Dante’s Vow
di Natasha Knight
Genere Dark Mafia Romance
Pagine 324
Euro 5,99 (ebook)
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ARC ricevuta dall'autrice tramite Give Me Books Promotions per un'onesta recensione

Five years.
That’s how long it took me to find her.

Five years after my world shattered, leaving me a scarred and broken man.

By then, the girl I knew was gone. In her place stood a woman. One who looked like an angel. An impossible, beautiful angel.

I killed for her. Soaked my hands in the blood of those who hurt her and rescued her from hell.

But hell has a way of following you. Becoming a part of you. Maybe the only part you recognize.

I had every intention of bringing her home. Setting her free.

I swear I did.

But the men who stole her all those years ago weren’t done with her yet. They’d stop at nothing to get her back. And I’d kill any man who tried to take her from me.

She calls me her avenging angel.

But I know the truth.

I’m no angel.

Because even as I tell myself I’m protecting her I know one thing for sure.

I am a monster, too. No better than them.

Because just like them, I’ll never let her go.

Author's note: Stolen is Dante Grigori's story and although a standalone, would be better enjoyed after reading With This Ring and I Thee Take.

#1 With this ring (la mia recensione)

Natasha Knight is the USA Today Bestselling author of Romantic Suspense and Dark Romance Novels. She has sold over half a million books and is translated into six languages. She currently lives in The Netherlands with her husband and two daughters and when she’s not writing, she’s walking in the woods listening to a book, sitting in a corner reading or off exploring the world as often as she can get away.

Natasha Knight al suo meglio! 
Ero eccitata all'idea di leggere la storia di Dante Gregori, personaggio secondario del duetto To Have and To Hold. Un uomo che in queste pagine scopriamo complesso e sfaccettato, a metà tra l'eroe perfetto e  l'anti-eroe assetato di sangue e vendetta.
Vendetta per lei, Mara. Una bambina, l'ultima volta che Dante l'ha vista, prima che i mostri veri la imprigionassero. Dante non ha più pace da quando ha scoperto la verità sulla sua sorte. E farà di tutto per mettere le cose a posto.

I’m hers now. Her protector. Her monster. The one who will slay all the other monsters in her world.

Quindici anni in schiavitù, in mano a essere spietati e perversi che hanno abusato del suo corpo e della sua mente: Mara non conosce altra vita, non aspira alla libertà se non nei propri incubi. Non sa che il suo angelo vendicatore ha l'unico obiettivo di salvarla e  vendicarla nel più spietato dei modi, scatenando la sua ira su ogni uomo che si è azzardato a toccarla. Ma lei è pronta a farsi salvare, e a iniziare a vivere libera? Libera di fare ciò che vuole, essere chi preferisce e amare chi desidera?

When he lay down beside me and it took all I had not to curl into him. To let him hold me. I have to be careful with him. Losing people hurts and I can’t let myself get to a place where it will hurt when I lose him.

Stolen. Dante's Vow è un dark mafia romance prestigioso, ricco di colpi di scena e curato in ogni dettaglio. Avevo alte aspettative, ma la Knight le ha superate con ampio margine. Una storia che coinvolge tantissimo grazie all'intreccio e alla suspense, all'evoluzione coinvolgente e al mix di passione e romanticismo. I personaggi di Dante e Mara sono disegnati con maestria e precisione psicologica, ho sentito le loro voci distinte, le loro paure e i desideri più oscuri delle loro anime. Assolutamente da leggere!

ARC provided by Give Me Book Promotions in exchange of an honest review.

Natasha Knight at her best!
After With this ring and I thee take, I was so excited to read Dante Gregori's story, a man complex and multifaceted, halfway between the perfect hero and the anti-hero thirsty for blood and revenge.
Revenge for Mara. A little girl, the last time Dante saw her, before real monsters imprisoned her. Dante has no more peace since he discovered the truth about her fate. And he'll do anything to save her.

I’m hers now. Her protector. Her monster. The one who will slay all the other monsters in her world.

Fifteen years in slavery, in the hands of ruthless and perverse man who have abused her body and her mind: Mara knows no other life, no freedom, only nightmares. She doesn't know that her avenging angel is going to save her and avenging her, unleashing his wrath on every man who dared to touch her. But is Mara ready to be saved and to start living free? Is she free to do what she wants, to be who she prefers and love who she desire?

When he lay down beside me and it took all I had not to curl into him. To let him hold me. I have to be careful with him. Losing people hurts and I can’t let myself get to a place where it will hurt when I lose him.

Stolen. Dante's Vow is a prestigious dark mafia romance, full of twists and cured in every detail. I had high expectations, but Natasha Knight exceeded them by a large margin. A story that involves a lot thanks to the plot twists and suspense, the engaging evolution and the mix of passion and romance. The characters of Dante and Mara are drawn with psychological mastery and precision, I have heard their distinct voices, their fears and the darkest desires of their souls. A must read!
Cinque stelle

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