
31 maggio 2021

Release Blitz: "Blame it on the tequila" di Fiona Cole (Blame it on the Alcohol #2)

Blame it on the tequila
(Blame it on the Alcohol #2)
di Fiona Cole
Euro 3,27 (ebook); 12,75 (cartaceo)
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ARC ricevuta dall'autrice tramite Valentine PR in cambio di un'onesta recensione

It started on a dance floor after too much tequila and ended with looking into the handsome face I never thought I'd see again. In-person, at least.
I saw his face all the time on magazine covers.
To the world, he's Parker Callahan- famous rockstar.
To me, he was the boy I loved, the stepbrother who left me behind to follow his dreams.
After our tequila-fueled encounter, he wants me back but that's not a road I'm ready to walk down again. He broke my heart once, and even five years later, I'm not sure I could handle another blow.
When a once-in-a-lifetime offer comes my way, even my broken heart isn't enough for me to be able to turn it down. I agree to join the band's tour and help Parker write his next album--but this time I'm not falling in love.
This time I'll walk away.
If there is one thing life has taught me, it's that love never goes to plan--especially when Parker is involved.

Fiona Cole is a military wife and a stay at home mom with degrees in biology and chemistry. As much as she loved science, she decided to postpone her career to stay at home with her two little girls, and immersed herself in the world of books until finally deciding to write her own.

Connect with Fiona

Secondo volume della serie Blame it on the Alcohol, in queste pagine la protagonista è Nova, la più riservata del trio, la supernova che esplode quando c'è la giusta dose di tequila nelle sue vene. Neppure Vera e Rae però sanno i segreti del passato di Nova. Come il fatto che da adolescente lei è stata innamorata del suo fratellastro, Parker. Attuale rockstar e voce degli The Haunted Obsession, amato e desiderato da tutti. 
Da un'amicizia a un forte legame cementato dall'arte, dalla musica, dalla creatività. La loro relazione è stata importante per entrambi, sebbene proibita visto che i loro genitori si erano appena sposati e loro tecnicamente erano fratellastri. Un amore segreto che ha lasciato lividi e cicatrici nella vita di Nova. E anche in quella di Parker. 
Anni dopo, due shot di tequila e una diretta su Instagram a tradimento, ed ecco che le loro strade stornano a incrociarsi. O forse non si erano mai discostate. Forse, nonostante tutto, i cuori di Nova e Parker non si sono mai separati. 

I want to see him. 
I can’t see him. 
I miss him. 
He left me. 
I love him. 
I hate him.

Amo i rockstar romance, ma purtroppo non sono una fan degli slow burn; tuttavia, in questo caso il bisogno di sapere finalmente insieme Nova e Parker è stata la spinta per continuare nella lettura. Così come la necessità di scoprire il motivo dell'allontanamento di Nova dalla band e delle verità mai strillate di Parker. 
In un second chance è importante capire i trascorsi, cosa è accaduto e perché i protagonisti hanno determinati comportamenti nei confronti dell'altro. Tuttavia, qui i continui flashback a lungo andare li trovati troppo ingombranti, in diversi momenti rallentano e appesantiscono troppo il ritmo della lettura. Insomma, ho preferito il presente di Nova e Parker adulti, rispetto al loro passato da adolescenti, sebbene determinante per la loro storia. Buona caratterizzazione dei personaggi principali e anche di quelli secondari - ad avercela un'amica come Rae! -, mi piacerebbe leggere dei libri dedicati a Brogan, Ashe e Oren. E poi quando finalmente l'atmosfera si scalda, le cose si fanno passionali all'ennesima potenza! 
Un romanzo che consiglio alle amanti degli slow burn e dei second chance! Da leggere!

ARC provided by the author via Valentine PR in exchange of an honest review. 

Second book of the Blame it on the Alcohol series, in these pages Nova's the heroine, the most reserved of the trio, the supernova that explodes with the right amount of tequila in her veins. But neither Vera and Rae know the secrets of Nova's past. Like the fact that as a teenager she fell in love with her stepbrother Parker. Current rockstar and lead singer of The Haunted Obsession, loved and desired by everyone.
A friendship, a strong bond cemented by art, music, creativity, their relationship was important to both of them, albeit forbidden as their parents had just married and they were technically half-siblings. A secret love that left bruises and scars in Nova's life. And also in Parker's life.
Years later, two shots of tequila and a direct on Instagram, their paths twist and cross again. Or perhaps they had never departed. Perhaps, despite everything, the hearts of Nova and Parker never parted.

I want to see him. 
I can’t see him. 
I miss him. 
He left me. 
I love him. 
I hate him.

I love a good Rockstar Romance, but unfortunately I'm not a slow burn fan; however, in this case the need to finally know Nova and Parker together was the push to continue reading. As well as the need to find out the reason for Nova's departure from the band and Parker's never-shouted truths. In a second chance romance it's important to understand the past, what happened and why. However, I think the continuous flashbacks slow down the pace of reading too much. In short, I preferred the present of Nova and Parker adults, compared to their past as teenagers, although decisive for their history. Good characterization of the main characters and also of the secondary ones - I want a friend like Rae! -, I would like to read some books dedicated to Brogan, Ashe and Oren. And yes, when the atmosphere finally heats up betwenn Nova and Parker, things get passionate like a hot volcano!!!
I recommend Blame it to the tequila to readers who loves slow burns and second chances romance.

#2 Blame it on the tequila

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